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Eco Blog

This week we all learnt how to use PicCollage to create posters. We are going to use the PicCollage format for all of our blog posts from now on as it will be easier to inform and involve others  as we can share it on Class Dojo too. 

We all worked together to help each other and Ali and Hanna taught us how to use it.

We have not finished our posters yet, but here is a sneak peak. 

This weeks blog was written by Jayden and Aiden in Year 4. 
They have tried using PicCollage as it will be easier to share the blog posts with the rest of the school. They did a great job.

Last week we met and we completed our environmental review.

We chose our three topics: Waste, Biodiversity and Healthy Living.

Blog post number 2

Written by Maisha and Malika. They who worked well together to share our latest meeting and Eco actions.

We continued with our environmental review.

We went to the empty classroom to see if the lights and the screens where turned off.

We also interviewed the chef/kitchen manager. We found out that the kitchen uses sustainable fish and vegetarian dishes and they also said that we have meat free food once a week. We found out that our school recycles the food we waste.

We answered some questions too see if our school is eco friendly and have some more questions to ask our friends, the staff and the premises manager next week.

Interviewing Fatma the chef

Next Meeting 

In our next meeting we’re thinking of searching our school playground to see if we can find any litter.

We are trying to order some recycling bins for the classrooms that don’t have any and compost bins for fruit waste.

We enjoyed participating in these meetings and finding information about our school being eco friendly.    

Maisha and Malika

Our First Eco blog post!

Hanna and Ali used PicCollage to create our first blog. They worked together to create the blog and share our third key points from our third meeting on 29th November.

Next time they will use the computer to create the blog online, but I think they did a great job.